Submit your articles to IJARCSET
We invited research/ review articles from authors all over the year, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research is accepting papers all round the year for consideration into publication, IJARCSET is published as a bi-monthly journal, articles submitted will be published once in two months.
Article submission
Authors are invited to submit their research articles and critical review papers prepared in Ms Word format only and may submit it directly to via email with the article as an attachment and with a covering letter mentioning authors willingness to submit article to IJARCSET. Even though its not mandatory we insist our authors to prepare the article as per our author guidelines before submission.
Article processing
All submitted articles will be initially subjected to editorial procedures, if found suitable for publishing will be sent to reviewers for peer review confirming our editorial work flow. Authors are also invited to suggest at least three potential reviewers who can review their article. It is not mandatory for the editor to send the articles only to the reviewer referred by authors, it is at discretion of the editor to send articles to any reviewer of his/ her choice. Once the review process is completed and the article is accepted authors will be intimated over mail about further processing.
Authors are informed that IJARCSET have zero tolerance towards plagairised articles, articles will be summarily rejected and will not be processed further if found plagiarised. Hence authors are informed to follow ethical publishing policies and submit articles which are free from plagiarism. We use Plagscan to detect plagiarism which is one of the best methods available to detect academic plagiarism, articles free from plagiarism only will be considered for publication.
We are adopting open access publishing policy in which all articles submitted to IJARCSET will be published under Creative Commons Attribution Licence (3.0) . Copyright of the pubished articles will be with the concerned authors as per the license, authors will be requested to grant first publishing rights to IJASER. Under this license authors published article can be posted in their personal or their institutions website, can be emailed to their friends and colleagues, also may be printed, freely distributed, archived in any collection, included in a course material, quoted in publications, translated and distributed. For full details about the Creative Commons License click here and you may view our open access policy
If you are interested to publish your paper with us, what you need to do is just a free registration. Please kindly fill below details to complete registration.