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1.Join Us at the International Conference! Online International Conference on [International Conference on Advanced Development in Engineering and Technology],Date: February 16, 2024,Mark your calendar and join us for an enriching online conference experience on February 16, 2024!.

2. MOE Signed Government Arts & Science, Bangalore University for National Conference on April 30,31.

3. MOE Signed Sambharam Institute of Technology for International Conference.

4. Call for Papers Jan-Feb 2016 Issues.

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The International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Enginneering Techologies(IJARSCET) is an international journal which aims at meeting all the needs of diverse sections of people across the globe. It caters to the needs in the areas of Engineering and Technology. It includes both fundamental and advanced research oriented ideas with an expectation that all those who wish to contribute diverse papers such as research articles, review papers and short communications keep these criteria in mind.

IJARCSET has a mission to publish the papers of the highest quality with innovative ideas on all the subjects relating to emerging trends in both Engineering and Technologies.

IJARCSET expects all the articles or papers to be original which are not published previously or submitted to any journal for the consideration for publication. All the articles or papers must adhere to the style and the ethics of the IJARSCET. All the articles or papers will be thoroughly reviewed and edited by expert reviewers and language editors before consideration for publication.